Currently browsing Posts Published March 2021

Sans Typography Styleguide

We are admitted type nerds over at We Are Pixel8. That is why we have gone through great lengths to insure that the typography for the Sans theme delivers maximum readability comfort across all screen resolutions. We have taken into account everything from scalable typography to incremental leading. All font sizes are set in relative em measurements. This will allow for the proportional scaling of font sizes based on the end user’s browser settings.

And we didn’t forget about font pairing. We have hand selected Noticia Text, by JM Solé for the body copy and paired this with Helvetica Neue for headlines, page titles and headers. According to the font specs, Noticia Text is a contemporary humanist slab serif typeface designed to be used for running text on digital newspapers (both on websites and mobile apps). It has a large x-height, ample proportions, big serifs and large apertures that allow the letters to be clear, even at small sizes on low resolution screens. Noticia Text is served using the Google Web Fonts Service through a pluggable function that can be overridden in a child theme.

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Big Buck Bunny

As a follow-up to the successful project Orange’s “Elephants Dream”, the Blender Foundation initiated another open movie project. Again a small team (7) of the best 3D artists and developers in the Blender community have been invited to come together to work in Amsterdam from October 2007 until April 2008 on completing a short 3D animation movie. The team members will get a great studio facility and housing in Amsterdam, all travel costs reimbursed, and a fee sufficient to cover all expenses during the period.

Adults can find Inspiration in Dr. Seuss, too

“From there to here, here to there, funny things are everywhere.”

Dr. Seuss

OK, so I have a 2 year old and I am now introducing her to the magical world of Dr. Seuss. It has been a few years since I have picked up any of the classics and I’ve forgotten just how enjoyable and inspirational they are… even for us jaded adults.

My current favorite is this one from “One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish”. If we just take a moment, from our busy, stressful lives, we can find appreciation, joy and possibly laughter in things we would have otherwise overlooked.

A Picture is worth a 1000 Words

So, you want to easily add pictures to your portfolio, blog posts or pages? No problemo! Simply upload your image, select the alignment, optionally add a caption and insert exactly where the picture should appear. Were you expecting something complicated?

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Video & Audio Support, “Oh my!”

With Sans, you can publish portfolio items that not only contain images, but also audio and video content as well. And, since the capabilities already exists for your portfolio, we decide to extend this feature to your blog as well!

Video Support

You have all of these great videos on either YouTube or Vimeo and have been looking for a method to pull all of that content into your own domain. That is what Sans is here for. Using the WordPress oEmbed feature, you can share those clips on your website with minimal ease. Simply enter the URL of the video in question and click publish. You are done!

As an added bonus, those videos are responsive! That’s right, no matter what device they are viewed on, the video will proportionally scale to fit the device. How delicious is that? Here is an example video, in a post.

Audio Support

With the built in audio player, you can stream your audio files on your website. The file formats accepted are MP3, M4A and OGA. Did we mention the audio player is responsive too?

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Just Believe

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”

John Lennon


Photos courtesy of

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