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In The Green Grass

The perfect soundtrack to a day of hiking and snapping nature photos, Jellyfish Brigade helps bring everything together and pulls it apart.

Educate The People

Combining Skillfully with the power of WooTheme’s Sensei along with Modern Tribe’s Events Calendar and WooTickets plugins, it’s easy to get a full featured Learning Management System up in no time.

You Can Write Things Here

Don’t just sell things with Skillfully, you can blog too. A lot of time and love went into the design and development of Skillfully to bring you a full featured theme.

What an awesome theme. It’s about time someone took the time to create a WordPress LMS that not only functions well, but that looks good. Material design is all the rage, and Skillfully knocks it out of the park. I can’t wait to get my own development school up and off the ground.

I can sum up the way Skillfully displays Events Calendar Pro and WooCommerce Tickets with one word: Perfectly. This is way designers and developers should be incorporating our products into their themes.

Skillfully rocks pretty hard. I’m using it to create my own website for in-depth studies of Seinfeld. Not only how the show changed television, but also how it effects our culture and day to day life; Whether we know it or not.

This is a testimonial area powered by the Testimonials plugin by WooThemes. I created specific styles for Skillfully so you can show off some of the things your customers, teachers, or students have to say about your courses. The background color, along with most of the colors, are customizable via the admin panel.